poem pieces=pen drawings

This is from the Wallace Stevens poem ‘Large Red Man Reading’. Great images, perfectly sad and enigmatic ideas. Mmm mmm mmm!

Other things that are very enjoyable at this moment: the song “Baby Comes Around” by Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, and huge vats of blueberries from Trader Joe’s.

Green Sheens n’ Such

Adventures in the Sun World.

Someone Else’s Memory

A bank of clouds
transacting beam for mote
and green for breath.
We surge up hills,
mind fingers winnow
purr like fingers on chain link.
I loop my words through yours;
we skim hazy verses,
two blades gliding on heiroglyphic ice.
The chime of cubes between our hips–
dinner bells
for the feast of not forgetting.